When did you last let yourself be unabashedly joyful, gleeful even, connecting with happiness and being filled with pure joy? Do you make time for this or see this as a component of your self-care? I see it as a key part of a self-care practice that seems to be missing in the conversation that has recently circulated. I am a huge advocate for this convo and yes, I think that taking time for yourself in whatever form you choose is wonderful, but have you given consideration to the need for yourself to be joyful? Have you ever attempted this and had someone deliver a little comment to quell your enthusiasm for it? Lemme give you an example of this and why I don’t care one second about those opinions.
I am a Disney fan, I post about and use photos from my visits to Disney on this blog frequently. Why do you think this is? Of course, visiting Disney is fun and it is designed to be that way, but when you look past the characters and the capitalism it is a place where you can get in touch with a part of you that as an adult you are told you should not nurture. Why is that? When did we start getting messages that joy was a luxury only kids could enjoy? In my life, I noticed it as a teenager. Certain things were only to be enjoyed by young kids and things were suddenly more serious. Don’t laugh too loud, smile too big, or enjoy anything too much. Well, I have lived my life clinging to a bit of that joy. It sustains me and as I have had to swim in the murky, muddy waters of life I am grabbing on to more of that joy as a part of my practice of joyful self-care, just as someone would practice yoga or meditation. Have you ever watched a kid just play, fully immersing themselves in joy! They imagine more, they explore, they create things that may be attainable or may not but it seems to touch a part of their brains that we as adults have muffled or snuffed right on out.
Life for me has stifled some of my creativity. I want it back. Even when I post pictures of Disney on my Instagram, I will get a comment about how someone hasn’t been since they were a kid, or someone implying that Disney is just for kids. I don’t subscribe to that at all. The messages shared at Disney are for everyone, especially dreamers, entrepreneurs, and risk-takers. I am the best me when I am in touch with these messages. I dream bigger, I believe more, I am emotionally free. If the world was more like this wouldn’t it be a kinder place? Why don’t we invest in our joy just a bit more? Maybe Disney isn’t your’s but whatever it might be I challenge you to nurture it. Step out and read a lyric to a Disney song like “Go the distance” or “A dream is a wish your heart makes”. Give yourself permission to embrace this thinking, protect it, and ENJOY IT. Unabashedly do so, and after a while, people around you will want to do the same. Just imagine how far that can reach? Reach out for your joy, and if you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true…
xo Danie
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xo Danie
You Look so happy.Stay blessed dear.Love reading your article.
Thanks for a fun read. I still enjoy my Disney movies. If you stop enjoying life like a kid, then what are you living for? 🙂
My dad always taught me the same thing. He would always say whatever you’re doing in life, make sure you’re enjoying yourself. There’s nothing worse than going through life trying to make everyone else happy and looking back to realize you neglected yourself. Inspiring post!
– Tia | Filtercrave
Amen! And what can bring more joy than Disneyland?
Great Article! I really believe in joy not being specified for children only. Love it, Keep up the good work.
I loved reading this post. It’s so true too!! I’m excited to start letting myself enjoy whatever it is that I want to enjoy regardless of my age.
Omg…you look amazing and I can see it from your pic that you had so much fun. I’m totally agreed that disney is not only for kids but for everyone who like to have fun. Happy New Year to you dear, many best wishes. xo
I recently discovered that joy is much longer lasting. Happiness can not withstand pain and suffering but joy can.
Cute pics! I agree we must give time to what brings joy in our lives. To me, it’s yoga and tea in the morning! 🙂
You’re absolutely right! Can’t remember when I’ve felt pure joy, like real pure joy. When D is extremely happy I see this innocent pure joy and happiness in his eyes and it always makes me happy & really sad at the same time, as I know that the look he has in his eyes won’t last long in life. Trying to cherish it up until the last minute.
This was an awesome post, thank you for sharing!
Love this post! Joy is so crucial in life. I always try to live the happiest and best life I can. We shouldn’t let joy fall to the wayside as we get older!
I love that you’re so honest about this! I feel like we get so caught up in typical “self care” concepts and forget about doing what brings us joy. It’s so counterproductive to taking care of ourselves!
I love your honest and it is so refreshing to hear someone else say that it is okay to nurture the child in us and it is okay to enjoy life to the fullest no matter your age. I loved this post. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Wonderful reading Danie! I miss Disneyland and all the fun that travel and places like these can bring to my life! Have a great day dear!
Lovely photos! Joy and passion to the things you do make life a lot more fun. And when doing things you love it’s also easy to be excited about every day the life brings. I hope you’ll keep that sheer and share that mindset to us all! ❤️
Joy is a mainstay in my life. It makes me feel way younger than I actually am though I get a lot of side eye from those who are quite joyless. Love the mouse ears!
I envy your ability to accept who you are.
I’m in love with this post. And you inspire me to reach out for joy and keep chasing that dream. Thank you for this AWESOME post!