YAAAAAY! This evening, thiscurvylife.com went live!!! I was soooo excited to share the new blog with everyone. I have had a few blog posts that I migrated over from IG but as I developed the site I started writing posts about my recent trip to Chicago. I realized that this content would not be seen by anyone while I was excited about it, so I decided to make a few more tweaks and open the site to my friends and followers on IG until it was ready for a full launch. So 5.24.17 at 6:28 pm it went live to the world! I have worked very hard to make choices that gave me a blog that represented what I was interested in, and here it is!
It was hilarious when I selected the live button. I kept wondering if that was it…It was just on the internet, just like that??? I went to Google, FB and IG and tried all the links making sure the site was live. I could not get over that it was on the internet that EVERYONE used, lol.
There will be many updates and I am literally just starting but it does feel good to see all these baby steps go somewhere.
xo Danie
Yay! I’m so excited to read this! It’s LIVE baby! (In my New Orleans accent)