Well, long story short…I have always loved talking and sharing! I would start writing things and have ideas for books or websites when I was younger and never seek an outlet to share them. I started a fashion tumblr years ago but even that was not reflective of my true pov. I kinda let the idea go of doing my own thing. I even had the mindset that being an entrepreneur was not for me, I was a corporate girl! Womp! When my favorite business podcast (My Taught You) would talk about Hustle and whatever else, girl I would fast forward! LOL
Well, about a year ago I started documenting plus size fashion I would find online and then post how I put the looks together but, I wanted to talk about more than fashion. I wanted to talk about style, not just fashion (these are two very different things: Style is how I do something, wear something, present something. Fashion refers to a trend: Gigi Hadid is at the height of fashion modeling, but Iris Apfel, honey…embodies style)!
I also am majorly into travel. I am not talk, I am action when it comes to it. I will come up with a place to go and have it planned from top to bottom and book the flight before you know it. In the last 2 years, I have learned more and more about how people travel without spending all their cash. I wanted to share what I learned with you! I want to share how I have gone to visit many places that some might not consider and I am telling you that it is possible and does not take years of scraping and saving! You can travel well…Right. NOW.
After deciding what I wanted to talk about, I started researching. I did this for months by studying my favorite bloggers (Gorgeous in Grey and Hayet Rida) and going to blogging events. I asked them questions if they did live chats or DM’d them. They all told me the same thing. Start blogging, stay consistent. I will tell you the same if you are interested, but I am going to come up off more info than that, LOL I started a section all about this blogging journey. I hope you will check it out.
So after all that researching I put the initial foundation together and decided to go live with This Curvy Life. As of today (5.19.17) I am still developing it…but I love it. It has taken me MONTHS to get even this far and I can’t wait to see where This Curvy Life takes me!
Thanks for riding this out with me!
xo Danie