As a blogger, I interact with a lot of people who are younger than I am. So many of them are in their 20’s, trying to figure out life and I am in my late 30’s and thankfully I have gone through quite a bit of the life lesson’s that bring you past that particular stage in life. But one thing that I have in common with my younger counterparts is that I am starting a new dream…This blog. It is about 8 months old. I am very focused on making this into a vehicle that I can use inspire others in many ways. But sometimes I wonder about my space in this game. What happens when you find your fire later. Can it be too late to hustle? Is it too late?
I know many well-meaning people will automatically say no and scroll down and write a comment telling me how I have to just keep going and it’s not too late. Hi well-meaning :), hold that keystroke one second, please. I appreciate your sentiments in advance but don’t misunderstand me… I KNOW that nothing is impossible and age is just that, but is there something to be said about being young and pursuing a goal. There is just a little less risk to you at say 24 years old because you are at an age where there is a lot more perceived time for trial and error. There is less impact of those voices that are a lot more critical and demanding at my age. When I listen to some of my favorite podcasts, many women are already at “BOSS” level with their dreams. They are busy smiling in IG stories at a retreats surrounded by other women who have already tread the path that I am just starting here (I’m so unsubtly subbing you queens at the recent My Taught You Retreat!) It’s also frustrating because I have become successful in other areas of my life and I almost feel like I am starting my real interests now. Here I am in the middle of a 20-year career that has been extremely handy in allowing me to pursue other goals, but the truth is my career wasn’t my #1 goal. I was good at it and it paid well, so I just kept pouring my attention into that. And finally, at year 19 I decided I found what I want to focus on and I feel a little behind…A little late. I am saying all of this to say, there has to be room to share concerns without it being interpreted as self-defeatist. There has to be a voice that speaks to the life that didn’t necessarily follow the path we are told life follows or the career path we are told we have to follow. That was a huge reason I started this blog. Where was the voice of the 30+ woman who has changed course? Where is the person who decided to take the leap of faith and documented the changes and challenges? Well here is there answer, I am she! She is me! (I hear The Light and Open your eyes playing in my head for some reason, do you know that song, I like John Legend’s version). If you don’t know it… There is a lyric in this song that says, I’ll take my chances before they pass, pass me by. There is a light that shines, special for you and me. You need to look at the other side. Darling open your eyes… Isn’t that dreamy and at the same time true! It seems like opportunities pass us by because we didn’t take the risk or stick with the dream through the discomfort.
I am hoping that me being transparent about my concerns can be of some help to you. This isn’t a crybaby moment, this is a realization moment. While you are making adjustments to gear up for that success, the water can be a bit murky. Change is never fun while you are making it. And yet here, I am…Changing and Challenging myself in more and more ways. And guess what!? Progress can be slow going. Which is an extra challenge! This is quite interesting to me you guys. Have you ever experienced this? I’m interested in your thoughts on challenging yourself in your life. Do you have hangups that are self-inflicted or injected into society? I can’t be alone here. If you know of someone in this space, text them and offer your support. I am sure they can use it.
xo Danie
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xo Danie
Thanks for sharing your story. The thing with bloggers is that in curating content to show the best of what you have to offer, it often gets mistaken for having your shit together when thats not the case for the majority of us! I quit my job before my 29th birthday in order to change course and careers and while I wish I’d done so sooner I’m a firm believer of its never too late. I’m now 1 year and 2 months in, a finalist in the UK Blog Awards, and who knows what lies ahead. Whatever the speed bumps, I’m just glad to finally be on this road!
Congrats on your nomination Lara!!! That is awesome that you were able to quit. I am working to the same goal. I am determined to make this my primary focus. I love writing it so much.
Oh wow! I had no clue you’re in your late 30’s! I don’t think there’s such thing as a too old blogger, you do you – no matter the age 🙂
LOL Jasmine, you did exactly what I said in the post. Thanks for your support doll.
Such a lovely blog post 🙂
Thanks Farah I appreciate it.
I honestly don’t think there’s an age limit to blogging or finding what you’re meant to do in life. I’m 25 and still trying to figure things out and people act like I’m crazy for it and not being a responsible adult :-/
There definitely is not an age limit to anything, especially not a limit on blogging. Every voice is valid regardless of age I think as you get older you will see what I am saying because there will be things you wish you figured out sooner but life just doesn’t go that way sometimes. It is what it is right?
Success don’t have any age limit and anyone says the opposite is going to fail! I am now 40+ and I enjoy blogging and everything I do as I if I was just 25! Keep it up dear, do whatever you love!
I’m around your age as well and often I’ve felt the same way. But then I just love writing, taking pictures and sharing stories in some creative way – who knows what happens with it all but I’ll keep going for as long as I’m enjoying myself. xx K
I am so glad you got the point of what I am saying. I love what I am doing but changing my career to focus on this is definitely harder now 🙂 I can do absolutely anything I just wish I found this passion 10 years ago 🙂
I say if you love what you do, keep doing it. You are making a difference to many others. Everyone has their space in ‘time’.And this is your time. Be encouraged and make the best of it.
Awww Joleisa thanks so much for the encouragement 🙂
I love this because I truly believe that there is a right time for everything! Sometimes it comes early and sometimes later in life, but it all happens for a reason. Keep hustling girl!
I love this, Edgar you are so right. I happens for a reason and it just happens when it happens. I wouldn’t have the life experiences to share if it happened 10 years ago like I wished 🙂
You’re so cute. I love this and can relate. I ditched corporate, sold everything and started traveling at 36. I’ve never looked back.
You are totally my hero Tali! Can I be like you when I grow up? I am totally making that my goal!
Oh i enjoyed this a lot ….Its weird cause im 25 and im blogging and i feel as though im too old everyones having babies or in a career path and its like i want to be an actress and blogger and then real life happens i often stress a lot but i feel like this humbled me and inspired because its never too late to follow your dreams and i think we should all follow our true passions.
Would love to have you guest post on my site xx
It just keeps feeling that way trust me, but as time has gone on I have experienced so much and learned so much. I just wish I had the bright blogging idea 10 years ago, but I got it last year so here we are right! I wouldn’t have come across your comment today right? Wonita, let’s talk I would love to guest post on your site xo
Hey Curvy girl! 👋 So I just wanted to let you know that we all have our times in life, as our faces are different so are our paths, our paces and every other thing that makes us uniquely unique.. You are amazing.💝
Amazing and inspiring post! I believe it’s never too late to do what you love. I tried the 9-5 but never left me happy – I’ve been freelancing and working on starting my business since 2014! DO YOU BOO!
That is so awesome! Congrats on freelancing. i am working toward that goal. You are an inspiration.
I’m in the middle of a career shift, and even though I’m only 24 I sometimes feels as if I’m too late, as if I’m behind the curve. We all feel it one way or another; what’s important is what you do about it. Do you quit and say “it’s too late anyway”, or do you work harder and make it happen. I know you have it in you to do great, so I hope you stick to it 🙂
True point it is most important what you do about it. That was the overall point of my post right. Feel what you feel but what are you gonna do now? Wallow or move on? Its good to share your thoughts so Im glad to do it here. Thanks so much for commenting Belle! I LOVE your name by the way.
The beautiful thing about life is that we are on our own path. While it is difficult to not compare ourselves to others, we inevitably do. So no, I do not think that it is too late for you. You’ve found something that you love doing, so keep on at it! All the best.
My favourite thing about the blogging community is that there are so many people, different ages, from different backgrounds all sharing experiences! Great post x
It’s never too late to do what you love! Some people spend their whole lives just “settling”. You are following what you really want to do <3
First of all, great post! I know you don’t want to hear stuff like ‘it’s okay’. I’m in my 20’s and the path I’ve chosen for my career is not something I love. It scares me sometimes. I don’t want to look back and think (when I’m in my 30’s) that I could’ve done something else. But there’s nothing I can do about it.
Oh yes! I am right there with you. I am in my late 40s! Jeez I can’t believe I just typed that- and as a blogger trying to keep up with the 20 somethings is very difficult. It is easier for them to go after goals and new adventures there is totally less risk. High five to reaching for it at our age!
xoxo Christie
It is definitely harder but we are doing it! YAY for us! I am so excited to see where we go with this!
First of all, I want to say I love the tone and energy of your blog! Second, I turn 31 in April and I am just now a couple months away from graduating with my Bachelor’s degree, so I understand the feeling of being behind. What I can say though, is that I’m happy to have found my passion in blogging. Even if it’s “late,” there are some who never find theirs at all. Good luck to you and keep blogging! 😊