When I wrote my goals post for 2018 I talked about checking in with you guys on my progress with organization and goal setting. Unbelievably it is September, so I wanted to share something that might help you as it has been helping me. I wondered if you ever feel like you have many things you want to do, but when it comes down to it you feel overwhelmed by the idea of the task? Usually, I procrastinate, thinking the task is too big, or be confused about how to get it done. This time I found something different, while thinking about many of the things I need to do in the house and for work, I decided to write down the things that would be needed to accomplish that goal, instead of focusing on the goal or task overall. I was shocked when this worked so well.
How about I share an example. I need to organize my pantry. I have tried to come up with ideas on my own with very little success. What did I do? I wrote the goal as an idea and broke it down. I needed pantry inspo , deets on where I could buy it, put it together, and finally grab some shelf organizers. My big task went down to 4 things I could do and some of it seemed fun. I went on Pinterest and started finding images of organization that I liked. When I found out how much some of that stuff was (good gravy The Container Store was a bit pricey!) I found out that Ikea, pretty much has a dupe for everything I was looking for. After putting together a shelf and a few baskets I had the temporary pantry I was looking for.
As you can see I have A LOT of work to do but that task that I had been batting back and forth in my head since I moved in my home is now complete. With all this organization talk, I was so happy to discuss some plans to accomplish my goals with a girlfriend of mine. We agreed to be accountability partners to help us accomplish even more goals. I scheduled time to update my planner with my weekly meetings or work obligations I have Sunday night. This way, I have written whatever I have to do down, and can break the intimidating things down so I don’t end up moving them to the next day, week, and eventually just another nice thought. Is there anything you have been doing to improve your productivity? Have you had an accountability partner? Lemme know in the comments?
xo, Danie
Great advice! Perfect read for a monday
Thanks! Just a little #motivationmonday for us all!
That’s such a fantastic idea to have an accountability partner. I guess that would be my husband. We set goals all the time and encourage each other to reach them. Best of luck! You got this!
That is awesome, my accountability partner is my fav friend and hairstylist. While we may have different goals we both want to accomplish them so this is such a great motivator! Thanks for checking out the post!
Moving is such a hassle! It’s a great excuse to grab a drink and tune up the music!
Moving is THE WORST! Since I never moved as a kid it is so horrid for me now. The music definitely gets me thru!
You do have a lot to do! I try to break things down into tiny tasks and get them completed that way. Otherwise I totally understand the feeling of being overwhelmed! 💚
Yeah it is a lot but it is kinda getting exciting. Lots of potential! Thanks for checking out the post ❤️
wise advice to break the issue down into sections and work on each thing. I love IKEA – it has great kitchen products for our tiny kitchen. Hope you’re settling into your new home OK. Love Bec
Thanks Bec I am working on it. It’s kinda exciting to think of what things can be like!
Your pantry is lookin’ GREAT, girl! I love the little baskets that hang off the edge for your produce. 🙂 As far as productivity, I’ve been trying to take a similar approach when it comes to personal // blog goals. Setting up a personal Asana account where I can break down projects into tasks has been super helpful. I’ve also figured out a way to cut back my procrastinating and I wrote a post about it here — https://findingdelight.com/2018/08/10/this-one-small-thing-helped-curb-my-procrastination/
<3 Beth
I am checking this out now!!! Thanks Beth!!!
I love this! We all got to start somewhere when we feel overwhelmed and cleaning and organizing always helps me!
Totally agree. If my place is messy that’s how I feel. Ugh it’s kinda crazy.
Looks great! I love the separate containers for veggies. And Ikea is the best! <3
Thanks so much doll. I love this shelving too. so affordable
Getting to check something off your to do list is really awesome! I love spending time to work on my planner!
I need to work on mine right now! I love planners, I am actually interested in picking up some more pointers from bullet journaling to pull into the planner.
Organizing is one of my favorite things to do! I just can’t do it too often because like you said, it’s EXPENSIVE! I’m so glad you found such a good deal at Ikea! It looks fabulous!
Hannah Rooks
Thanks Hanna! I appreciate you checking out the post.
this is such great advice – I get overwhelmed at work in Q4 which is right around the corner so I think I’m gonna steal one of your tips & convince a coworker to be accountability partners with me!
Thats awesome Hal!
I think this post just motivated me to have an accountability partner and I will be approaching my bestie for this. We have been setting so many goals and it would be fun to actually hold each other accountable.
Awesome! I’m so glad it could help!
The universe has spoken to me and I need this in my life. Thank you for these productivity tips. I would have to agree that I am bit overwhelmed with all the events and work that I have.
Glad to be of help! We will get our lives together I am sure of it!
I really needed to read this post today, often I’ll give myself a task too big and feel overwhelmed! I really need to try breaking it down into smaller, easier chunks!
It really helped me. I am such a procrastinator but I have so many goals, I have to make them work. The accountability partner is great too.
Moving can be a very stressful time and can organizing. It’s so hard sometimes to get things accomplished when you feel overwhelmed, but I’m glad you got through it.