This Bloggers POV

My adventures in blogging! Read my journal on the formation and progression of my lifestyle blog.

Why are people blogging? Is it because they want to share their point of view with others or is it to be insta-famous? Why am I blogging? Where do I want to take This Curvy Life? Find out inside…… View Post

Instagram is a great way to build your brand as a new blogger. But how to build your audience is crazy confusing. Should you follow for follow? When should you post? In this post I share what I have learned…So far…… View Post

Do friends keep asking you what you’re doing for Memorial Day? Wanna come over and get in the pool? Wanna take a road trip? Wanna go to the movies? Sorry girl I can’t. I have to plan posts, I have to research Google Analytics, I have to edit my posting schedule… View Post

Are Blogging Events worth your time? What happens at most of them? How do I network? All these questions are answered here…… View Post

YAAAAAY! This evening, went live!!! I was soooo excited to share the new blog with everyone. I have had a few blog posts that I migrated over from IG but as I developed the site I started writing posts about my recent trip to Chicago. I realized that this… View Post

Well, long story short…I have always loved talking and sharing! I would start writing things and have ideas for books or websites when I was younger and never seek an outlet to share them. I started a fashion tumblr years ago but even that was not reflective of my true… View Post

I am a 30 something woman living in Atlanta, GA. I work as a web content manager for a telcommunications company. I am the soon to be mommy of a cockapoo puppy named Barkley!… View Post